"Incompatibe files" error messages.

6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #6414 by TimRobson
TimRobson replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
the message suggests that either the file isn't in /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop or that it isn't executable, try:
sudo chmod a+x /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/fixfcpxml.py
sudo /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/fixfcpxml.py -o /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/new.fcpxml -d /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/test.fcpxml

One further thing, is the existing file the test.fcpxml? -d is the source -o the fixed destination.
Last Edit: 6 years 8 months ago by TimRobson.

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6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #6413 by jasper500
jasper500 replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Hi James, I'm trying to run this script in Mac terminal and keep getting errors like command not found.

Here's what I'm doing:

MacBook-Pro:~ johnpaterson$ sudo /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/fixfcpxml.py -o /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/new.fcpxml -d /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/test.fcpxml
sudo: /Users/johnpaterson/Desktop/fixfcpxml.py: command not found
MacBook-Pro:~ johnpaterson$


Just found out how to do it. I copied the fixfcpxml.py code to my python folder, then in terminal switched to that location using the command:

cd path_to_python_folder

Then I entered:

python fixfcpxml.py -o path_to_dest_file -d path_to_source _file

and pressed Enter.

This did create a new .fcpxml file, which sadly did not sort out my problems, which were that 5 files, one .mp4 GoPro file, three native .mp3 files and one .wav file were offline.
Last Edit: 6 years 8 months ago by jasper500.

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6 years 8 months ago #6410 by James Carrick
James Carrick replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Dear Dan

Sorry you feel it hasnt worked for you. As this is the first time you have reported issues on the forum we would initially ask for a copyof the consolidation text and xml to investigate. Were hsppy to look at what issues you are having but you can and always could approach the app store for a refund. As i said we are happy to look into the issues if you can advise what they are

Yours sincerely


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6 years 8 months ago #6409 by dankatzLAX
dankatzLAX replied the topic: Never WORX4 me
This software has NEVER worked for me. I spent $89 on it last June 2017 and it has not worked on ANY projects I've thrown at it. Not one single project has successfully passed through the gates of this joke. I get incompatible files errors EVERY time. This software does not work. It pisses me off every time I open it up hoping MAYYYYYBE this project will go through without an error. But no. It's a joke of sloppy code or something. Maybe it can't read speed changes? Maybe it can't read certain plugins I use? I don't know. And it seems the authors of the code don't know either because nothing has changed and enough people in the forums are complaining of the same thing. ARRRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!

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7 years 5 months ago - 7 years 5 months ago #5715 by TimRobson
TimRobson replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
The fcpxml that Worx4 X creates contains full paths to the trimmed/copied media files that it puts in the folder that it Worx4 X creates If you move that folder and fcpxml to another location (e.g. a different machine), then those paths will not be correct any more. FCP X should be able to relink to the files though.

Steps to relink are:
1. Import the consolidated fcpxml.
2. Select the project in the event.
3. "Click" File>"Relink Files"
4. Select "Missing"
5. Click "Locate All"
6. Choose the folder with all the trimmed/copied clips in.
7. Click the "Relink Files" button
8. Now your media files should all be back online.

The above will not work in some circumstances due to a known FCP problem and the script that you have should fix that. To use the script make the consolidated version in a new folder and put or copy that folder to the location that you want to use it from
Now run the script on the source file in that new folder
.fcpxml and give it a new name for the destination [newname].fcpxml Import [newname].fcpxml into FCPX and if necessary relink (this shouldn't be necessary).[file].fcpxml and give it a new name for the destination [newname].fcpxml
Import [newname].fcpxml into FCPX and if necessary relink (this shouldn't be necessary).
Last Edit: 7 years 5 months ago by TimRobson.

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7 years 5 months ago #5711 by anh76
anh76 replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
let me ask you something, can you guide in a step by step on how to run the script, I'm not sure if I'm doing it right...

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7 years 5 months ago #5710 by TimRobson
TimRobson replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Please upload a before and after conversion XML so that we can look at them. If necessary would you be able to provide us with a small clip which will not relink too?

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7 years 5 months ago #5709 by anh76
anh76 replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
I am...

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7 years 5 months ago #5708 by TimRobson
TimRobson replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Are you aware that after running the script it is the new XML that it creates that you need to use. It doesn't fix the existing one, it creates a backup and a copy which is fixed unless you tell it to overwrite. The new XML should have the correct references to the relocated clips.

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7 years 5 months ago #5707 by anh76
anh76 replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
I have the same error, I try running the script but it doesn't work... everytime I open the xml I have to relink the files but the thing is that it only allows me to relink one clip at a time...

thanks for any info...

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7 years 6 months ago #5652 by James Carrick
James Carrick replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Dear Hugh,

Yes the fixfcpxml script should resolve this for you, It can be downloaded from

Yours Sincerely


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7 years 6 months ago #5651 by intercuts
intercuts replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Hi James, that'd be great thanks.

Not sure if I said earlier in the thread but if I consolidate directly to the target drive, the problem disappears. I don't always have that target drive available though.

Thanks again for the reply.


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7 years 6 months ago #5650 by James Carrick
James Carrick replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Dear Intercuts,

There is an issue in FCP-X which may explain what you are seeing with these 36 files. In certain circumstances the media filename or paths cannot be relinked. Apple is aware of this and we are waiting for a fix. In the meantime we have created a little script which will fix up the paths in the FCP XML after you have moved it to a new location which will allow FCP X to find a fully linked project and all the media will be available. If you would like I can make this script available to you, as you do appear to be experiencing this issue.

Please advise.

Yours sincerely


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7 years 6 months ago #5649 by intercuts
intercuts replied the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Further to this, I've tried relinking to the exported XML in its original location, and it relinks fine .No errors except for the drop zones being messed up (but I have a workaround for this).

My question is now: why does it mess up if copy the consolidated media directory to a new physical drive?

Moving consolidated media to a new physical drive would seem to me to be a normal workflow.

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7 years 6 months ago #5648 by intercuts
intercuts created the topic: "Incompatibe files" error messages.
Hi I'm a new user of Worx4x and I'm a little disappointed in how it's working so far - it might be issues at my end or I'm expecting too much but here goes:

My project is a mixture of live action and graphics which comprise Motion generators using drop zones and built-in titles. The project runs about 8 minutes and contains material that was shot at a variety of frame rates (24, 25, 30). I've consolidated all related media into the Library. My workflow has been to select the Project, export its XML to another location and then export the consolidated media to another directory within that location. Then I hit the start button and Worx4x does whatever it does.

After the process is finished, I then copy that entire new folder structure to a different physical drive.

I look for the new XML file and import that into a new Library (with the old drive unmounted). It seems to import fine, except I have to relink to this new media. When I start relinking, this is where I start getting problems - see screenshot below: 36 name matches were found, but 36 files are not compatible.

Why are they incompatible? Is Worx4x generating the incompatible media? Why would it make new elements with the wrong length/tracks? I'm confused.

I can understand the software getting confused by not seeing inside generators and pulling out the drop zone material, but even allowing for that, some bog standard connected clips are missing and won't relink. Frankly, that sucks and I'm disappointed with he result.

Any idea if this is a limitation of the software or is my workflow messed up?

Suggestions welcome,

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